Ο King of ages, Lord God, Father Almighty, we feel that we are completely unworthy, because of our sins, to gaze toward the height of thy glory and to invoke. Thy holy name. But trusting in Thy great goodness and loving kindness towards man, we dare to bow with humble soul, as is right and proper, to the magnificence of Thy glory, and glorify Thy name which is most praiseworthy, most glorious and most holy, and that of Thine Only-begotten Son, and of Thy Holy Spirit.
We recognize, O heavenly Father, and confess that Thou art the true God, without beginning, eternal, unchanging, having within Thee and from Thee all good, all perfection. Thou art Creator of all creation, of heaven and earth, of entities visible and invisible, of the universe. Thou art almighty, having power without limit, infinite. Thou art all-wise and all-knowing. Thou art all-holy and all good. Thou art all love.
Through Thine almightiness and Thine all-wise providence, Thou dost hold together and sustain the whole of creation, the universe. Thou dost sustain and govern all things harmoniously and in perfect order. Thou, with Thine infinite power, dost direct each being and all together toward the destiny which thou hast determined from the beginning for each and all beings. Thou art every thing for all things, and all Thy creatures have regard for Thee.
As infinite Spirit that Thou art, Thou art ever present and fill all things. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, either in heaven or on earth, which is invisible to Thee. Our reflections, our thoughts, our desires, the leanings of our hearts, the wishes and volitions of our souls, our words and our intentions, our purposes and our actions, the whole inner and outer man are laid bare, are obvious and clearly known to Thee. In Thee we all exist and in Thy Spirit we live. […]
(Excerpt from the text contained in the book)