At the end of the Confessional (work of Saint Nicodemus of Mount Athos) there is the famous discourse On Repentance.
This book proves to individuals which is the meaning of true repentance and its outcome for one’s salvation. Therefore, it shows the points of true forgiveness in which we need to acquire for our sins wich will lead us to be forgiven from our Lord.
(From the publisher’s presentation)
The Impudence of Those Who Sin in the Hope of Confession and Repent
What Damages Do Those Who Sin in the Hope of Confession and Repent Cause to Their Salvation
First Damage
Second Damage
Third Damage
The Treatment of Those Who Sin in the Hope of Confession and Repent
Prayer, the Treatment of Those Who Sin in the Hope of Repentance
Treatment… the Knowledge of True Repentance and Its Results
Confession Must Have Pain
The Pain Must Be Powerful
The Pain Must Be Great and Perfect
The Pain Must Be Supernatural
The Pain and Crushing Are Mainly gift of God
Confession does not eliminate the evil inclinations of the heart
How much should I do… after confession
True repentance requires four things
How the evil inclinations of the heart are revealed by Scripture
Those who repent in the end…
How many different causes are there for our pain and our brokenness
The pain of the heart must be eternal
For what reasons must the pain be eternal
Repentance does not eliminate the traces and signs of sin
How much good does the pain of the heart cause
The life and diet of those who repent and are responsible should be different from those who are irresponsible
How is the “pipt’ egeirai” interpreted, mean fall and get up
A terrible story